Welcome to Angus Survey!
Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria


Hydrographic Survey

Hydrographic Survey We at Angus Nigeria Limited have provided hundreds of hydrographic surveys to public and private firms across the country, from inland rivers and harbours to coastal waterways. Our survey team maintains advanced use of technology by interfacing precision survey quality multi-beam echo-sounder, Elva Survey software and C-Nav gps capabilities. Our technical resources in […]
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Boundary Survey

Boundary Survey A boundary survey is an essential component used in establishing the perimeter of a property as it relates to a property’s description. At Angus Nigeria Limited, we review previous documents and carry out an on-site inspection to determine the physical boundary of the site. A record of survey will be filed with any […]
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Global Positioning Services

Our GPS Services Global Positioning Systems support the accurate mapping and modeling of the physical world from streets and building to utility lines and other resources. Features measured with gps can be displayed on maps and in geographic information systems that store, manipulate and display geographically referenced data.  At Angus Nigeria Limited, we utilize the […]
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Topographic Survey

Our Services Topographic Survey comprises of locating surface features of a property and depicts all natural features and elevations in essence it is a 3 dimensional map showing all natural and man-made features and improvements specifically showing their location, size, height and any changes in elevation. Services Hydrographic Survey Boundary Survey Global Positioning Services Geophysical […]
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Geophysical Survey

Our Services A geophysical survey is a subsurface investigation that uses electromagnetic technology and radar to locate and identify underground features. Angus Nigeria Limited utilizes top of the line geophysical instruments and methods e.g ground penetrating radar, Sea parallel seismic surveys (maps depths of sheet pile and pile tips), sub bottom profiling, borehole etc. Services […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)